
Hair Care: How To Style Long Hair Faster (7 Tips)

If your hair is on the long side, or you have a lot of it, you know exactly how long it takes to complete the entire hair care routine. Wash it, condition it, dry it, style it–the process seems to be never-ending.  Having long hair myself, spending three hours on my hair every time I washed it was just getting to be a bit too much. Or maybe I am just impatient when it comes to my hair–but I'm sure I'm not the only one. So, instead of opting for the famous ‘chop’ to avoid the incessant styling, I decided to find hacks on how to get the same results, but faster. Over the years, I’ve somehow learned to cut down my three hour hair routine into one that’s about thirty minutes. Not bad. If you’re interested in these tips and tricks on how to style your long hair faster, then watch the video below or scroll down to check out the steps. 1. Air dry your hair until it’s 80% dry This is one of the most effective ways to cut down time on your  New Hair Straightener . Of course, t